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Rev. Mike MacMillan



Welcome to the brand new, and ever-growing and changing Faith United Church of Christ website.  I am delighted that you stopped by to learn more about this awesome spiritual community.  If you really want to know what we are like, join us any Sunday morning 

at 10:30am live in person at the church in Dunedin, or online on either Facebook or YouTube. Just search for FaithUCCDunedin on either of those places and you will find us.  And if you are visiting with us online, as we always like to proclaim, "wherever you are, you are here."


Here at Faith UCC, you will find a truly progressive church that follows what we call (and what the earliest church called) The Jesus Way.  It's a progressive way in the fullest sense, both socially and theologically, that is in stride with Jesus' message of love, inclusion, peace, justice and equity for all people and all of creation.  When we way 'all are welcome' here at Faith UCC, we truly mean it.  All. Are. Welcome. Our rainbow flag that flies high off the top of the church is a symbol that means just that.  We are 'open and affirming,' meaning our inclusion and authentic welcome to our sisters and brothers in the LGBT community is extravagant.  We are a 'peace with justice' church, meaning we seek inward contemplation to find the strength and courage to advocate for peace and justice through non-violent ways in our community and around the world.  We are a WISE church (Welcoming, Inclusive, Safe & Engaged) around issues of mental health and illness.  And we will soon be becoming a Creation Care church, meaning we are engaged in the work to promote the wellness of creation and the natural world around us.  


If this sounds like the kind of spiritual experience you have been seeking as a part of your spiritual journey, please come and visit.  And when you do, you will not only find a thriving Sunday morning experience here, but you will quickly see there are all sorts of ministries and activities happening all week long. From spiritual reading groups and all sorts of adult education and volunteer opportunities, to our LGBT Journey's Group, Racial Justice Core Team, Anam Cara Women's Circle, Green Team and so many others, you will surely find a place to become involved.  


Peace be with you - Namaste,

Pastor Mike




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